All normal derby safety rules apply with these exceptions:
- Cars must be 1980 or newer model year, vin tag MUST stay in place on firewall/dash.
- You may remove the dash, replacement dash bars cannot attach to cage or frame.
- Cars must stay completely factory stock.
- No welding on car (except driver’s door).
- Mini-vans allowed, no 4-wheel drives.
- All parts must be 80’s and newer.
- No cross breeding, engine, drive train, and bumpers MUST match car in use.
- Cooling:
- Radiator must stay in the stock position.
- No reserve water tanks.
- At least one 8” diameter fire hole is required in the hood.
- Four chain securements allowed on hood. (Two front and two side-preferably middle on side.)
- A “securement” is one piece of chain, no longer than 36”, with one bolt no longer than 6”. Chains may not be larger than 3/8”, no welded links, sheet metal to sheet metal only!
- Body panels MUST remain in their stock locations, including no tucking trunks or folding hoods forward over the nose.
- Doors, trunks and bumpers are allowed maximum of 2 points per seam. Single wrap chain, #9 wire 3/8” bolt, or 3”x3”x1/8” plate welded. An optional plate can be bolted to the outer driver’s door skin for driver protection. Plate must be a min thickness of ¼” and max thickness of ¼” Max height of 16” and must go from door seam to door seam, plate may not exceed more than 3” past door seam on either side. Plate must be fastened with min of (6) – ½” bolts and up to a max of (10) – ½” bolts. Up to 3” diameter oversized washers may be used to prevent bolts from pulling through the door.
- Bumper ends may NOT be cut, but they may be bent in. Maximum height to bottom of bumper is 18”.
- You are allowed and recommended to either bolt the front bumper through the bumper shock with a maximum ½” diameter bolt or all thread with no larger than a 3” washer, chain the bumper to the car frame or core support but NOT the hood, or run 2 steel straps lightly welded from the top of the frame to around the bumper. The strap cannot exceed 1 “ wide x 1/8” thick, and may only go from the top of the frame, ahead of the core support, around the bumper to the under side of the frame ahead of the core. Only 2” of the strap may be welded to the frame top and bottom.
- Driver door may be welded and reinforced for driver safety ONLY.
- Battery:
- Secured on the passenger side floorboard, in front of the seat area, and covered.
- Metal strap or chain for securements, no bungee cords.
- Two batteries are allowed.
- No wagon flip-up compartment lids, they must be removed.
- Support chains on engine/transmissions ok, one per mount.
- Exhaust must either exit the hood or behind the driver.
- You may add an auxiliary floor shifter. Auxiliary transmission coolers are not allowed.
- You may add a hand throttle.
- Welded or posi-traction rear ends ok. No after market or deep (numerically higher than 3.73) gear ratios allowed.
- Tires:
- Tire cannot exceed a 6-ply and must be DOT approved.
- Tubes are allowed.
- No flappers or filled tires. If in doubt check with us or bring spares to change to!
- Windshield bar requirements: see diagram
- Windshield bars may not attach to cage.
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- Halo Bar:
- Optional, but may not attach to either frame rail, sheet metal only.
- Top bar may not exceed 6” over the roof.
- Must have a cross bar from drivers top to passenger bottom.
- PRE-RUN Cars ONLY: If you are using a pre-ran 80’s car, and the core support has been torn from the frame, you may repair it as follows: One ½” bolt with washers, per core support mount can be used in place of the old bolt. The factory core support rubber mounts must remain in place. No excessive length on bolts. If the hole on the frame is torn, a washer may be welded over that hole, top side only. Washers only, no plates, cannot exceed 1/8” thick or 1 ¾” outside diameter.
- If you run a bucket seat, you are allowed (and suggested) to add an upright pillar, vertically and no further out than in line with the inside of the roof, on the passenger side. No bars will be allowed to stick out of the car! The bar cannot exceed 3” diameter with 5”x5”x1/4” plates. You may also have a similar bar on the drivers side with a horizontal support (H-bar) or a diagonal bar from directly behind the drivers seat and no higher than the top of the door across the car to no higher than the passenger side floor seatbelt bolt. No dash or passenger-side door bars will be allowed. If you don’t feel “safe” without the bars, do not run this class! We will make you cut the extra bars out!