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General Rules

  2. All cars will be impounded after inspection. You will NOT be allowed to work on the car while it is impounded. Be ready to run before you tech in!
  3. All drivers must know, understand, and obey the rules. If in doubt, ASK. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse!
  4. No refunds will be given after tech-in.
  5. No unsportsmanlike tactics will be tolerated and will result in disqualification.
  6. Only one driver and two pitmen per car allowed. NO EXTRA PIT PASSES ARE AVAILABLE. 
  7. No one under the age of 15 will be allowed to compete or be in the pit area, no exceptions.
  8. Every car will go through a safety and technical inspection. Only the driver and tech crew are allowed with the car during inspection. You will get two chances to pass. If you have not complied by the 2nd attempt, you will not run. Must be through inspection by 4pm. Judge’s ruling is final! Save yourself any problems and build to the rules! If you have a question, please call and ask. 
  9. All cars will be subject to re-inspection at any time; also, all cars advancing to the championship can be re-inspected.
  10. Drivers must lower their flag and shut their car off when no longer in play.   
  11. If there is an axle or bumper on the track, the heat may be stopped to remove it for safety purposes. 
  12. You must make a hit, under power, at least every two minutes; whether active, stalled, or stuck, you have two minutes. Sandbagging and/or teaming will not be tolerated. If the last two cars in the championship heat are stuck we WILL pull them apart and restart the heat.
  13. Full size heat winners will be impounded after their heats; you will be allowed to open the hood and disconnect the battery, and that is it. Cars will be released from impound to be worked on at the start of the hard luck heat.
  14. Safety Equipment:
  • Long sleeve shirts and pants strongly suggested, no open toed shoes allowed.
  • DOT approved helmet required.
  • Eye protection (safety glasses, goggles, or face shield) strongly suggested.
  • Seat belts are required and must be worn while in the arena and during inspection.
  • Each pit must have a working fire extinguisher.
  1. Disqualification Requirements:
  • Any driver or member of their party caught consuming drugs or alcohol before or during the derby will result in the team’s disqualification from the derby immediately with no refund.
  • Argue with the judges at any time! The decision of the judges is FINAL, and arguing with them (driver, spouse, or pit crew) will result in an immediate disqualification.
  • Hit any white driver’s door underpower.
  • Remove your helmet, seatbelt, or leave your car, unless you are on fire. If you do so, you will be done for that heat.
  • The first time the derby is stopped for fire you will have the option to continue driving, second time the derby is stopped you are done for the remainder of the heat with no additional time allotted.
  • Car rolled, you are done for the heat. If you are involved in a rollover, but not rolled you will have two minutes to make a hit. (In the event of a rollover, the heat will be stopped and the rolled car will be turned upright. It is possible for the cars to come apart during this event but if still attached, you will have the regulation two minutes to break away and complete a hit.)
  • Have three wheels on the dirt berm, or two wheels go over the stripes at the entrances to the arena.
  • Have ether or starting fluid of any kind in the car while in the arena during a heat.
  1. Vehicle Requirements:
  • All glass, mirrors, loose chrome and moldings, lights, fender extensions and other loose trim          must be removed from the car. Nothing may be attached to the roof of your car besides roof
  • All flammable materials must be removed from the interior of the car, padded dash and driver’s side door panel may stay.
  • No reinforcing of body, frame, suspension, or bumper in any way, except the driver’s door unless otherwise stated.
  • No altering or adding weight to the car in any way.
  • No debris or filling of tires, doors, fenders, bumpers, or any other cavity of the car. This includes water, sand, mud, concrete, steel, spray foam, bedliner, etc.
  • Trailer hitches and any bracing must be completely removed from the car.
  1. Driver’s Door:
  • Must be white NO EXCEPTIONS. (No white or bright silver cars allowed.)
  • May be completely welded shut.
  • May be reinforced, reinforcement can go from behind the left front wheel well to 12″ behind the driver’s side B-pillar (end of driver door). Reinforcement is strictly for DRIVER SAFETY.
  • No outside loose metal.
  1. Gas Tanks:
  • No full-size gas tanks can be used and must be removed from the car.
  • A DOT approved marine style tank, fuel cell or jerry can shall be placed behind the driver’s seat, rigidly secured by chain or metal strap, no bungee cords or rope. This is mandatory in all classes for your safety. 
  • Please make sure you have no fuel leaks for everyone’s safety.
  1. Numbers:
  • Must be at least 12″ high, and a contrasting color, on front doors.
  • Roof fins are to be within reasonable size.  If deemed too large you may be asked to remove it. They are not to be fastened to the cage and must be located on back half of car.
  • If two cars show up with the same number, in the same class, first car to register keeps the number, and the other(s) will need to add a letter or digit to theirs.
  1. At least one 8″ diameter fire hole is required in the hood.

PRE-RAN CARS just because they passed inspection last year, you still must follow current rules.

2025 General Rules